
Movie Snapshot

Movie Snapshot is a movie search engine created by Alex, Vanesa & myself where the user can get all the high-level movie highlights they need! Movie release year, director, genre, leading actors, Rotten Tomatos score & a trailer - all with the press of one button!

Weather Dashboard

The Weather Dashboard was created to view the current and forecasted weather of ultiple cities. In the deployed web page, the user can search for a city, see the current day's AND forecasted temperature, humidity, wind speed, and UV index. The site saves your search history to local storage, so the user can easily flip between searched cities to compare the weather.

Code Quiz

Code Quiz was created a quiz that uses a timer, has a finite number of questions with correct answers & kept score.

Day Planner

The Day Planner is an interactive day planner that gives the user the opportunity to plan out a day from 9am to 10 pm. The site is fully functional and even allows the user to save the information locally. The website is also responsive and the color of the hour changes to reflect if the hour is in the past, present or future.